Friday, February 09, 2007

Jesus came that we might have life! john10:10

Foreword: This a song written by Anna Vincent, She is studying medicine.. I hope to put music to this song someday... Anna, I love your poem so I am putting it in my blog. Hope you don't mind :)

Jesus came that we might have life! john10:10

When i lost the hope
that kept us going
I stopped trying to win
and lost without knowing-

the sight of the oak tree
contained in my acorn
the glory of bein free
from satans yoke and bond

When i saw no scope
of winning our prize
I embraced sin's quagmire
not willing to rise

to the heights
that for me were destined

to meet the world's needs
as God had designed

When i stopped short
of the promised land

I failed to see
His nail pierced hands

Stretched out to reach the ends of a cross
stretched t'ward me with the hope i had lost

Then i saw the truth of it all
what i thought was the prize
was passing and small
compared to the size
of the trophies He keeps
for those who realise
the fruition of His seeds

are dreams planted in hearts
dreams that take root in our inmost parts

bear fruit if we spare
no effort in weeeding out every tare

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